
Showing posts from December, 2022 Barely Gets Anything Right

I was excited to hear on Mac Geek Gab that a new free AI application could summarize web pages or even suggest new paragraphs of content to get over writers block.  I downloaded and installed it. Then I went to the suggested web article on protons by copying it's URL and pasting it into the app.  Presto! In a few seconds it did a fairly good job of summarizing a complex scientific article in layman's language. So I tried it on a few of my own Blogger posts to see how it would do.  Oops! First, I used it to do an Executive Summary of my post on how to photograph the solar eclipse in 2024 based on my learnings, prep and great results in 2017.  I had used a Nikon d300 camera and lens exclusively and wrote about it. BUT summarized that I recommended taking "wild shots" of the eclipse and that I had used a Canon 5d.  Nothing could be further from the facts. My article talked about the careful preparation, planning and practice ahead of t...