Using this Study with Someone


Good news:  making disciples is not a program.  It starts with a mind set.  An outlook, or better, intentionally looking out for the opportunities. 

Jesus told the disciples, "Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest" (John 4:35). 

We most often apply this to evangelism.  But it also applies to encouraging others to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as disciples.  The opportunities are all around you.

We are commanded to "encourage one another,  and build one another up" in our faith (1 Thessalonians 5:11). 

So whenever you encourage someone in any way to take a next step in their growth, or to seek and trust God in a situation, you are actually helping make disciples!  You are passing along what you've learned.

The church grows as we multiply disciples.  Imagine if you taught two people, then they taught two and so on.

You can use a study like this one:

  • One on one:  they go to and you both go through it individually, then you meet to discuss and encourage each other.
  • Gather a few people together and go through it together over six or more weeks (set your own pace).  Encourage them to do the individual study before group.  Then you can use the Group Study Guide to help group meeting times flow.  Or if you lead a small group already, do this study with the group.
  • Long distance.  Perhaps you have a friend or family member who would beneift and you could do it one-on-one but touch base over the phone.

The possibilities are endless.  Don't wait for perfect conditions (Ecclesiastes 11:4).

And you do not need to be "perfect" to lead someone through it.  Just be honest about where you are with the group, and that you are growing too! 

In fact, you can go through it with someone who is at the same place in their spiritual growth as you, like running partners.

Pray and ask God to open your eyes.  Who could you share this with?


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