Growing by one next step at a time


Spiritual growth happens one step at a time. 

God's Word says it is "a lamp for our feet" (Psalm 119:105) not a search light down the highway. 

In ancient times those little clay oil lamps would put out about as much light as your smart phone screen when it's all you have to light your way.

Trust God for the step that is in front of you!  That is what the great men and women of faith in the Bible.  They just obeyed and took a next step to follow God.  Then another next step, and so on.

More on this topic....

A next step is usually in one of these categories:

  • A personal situation I need to handle God's way, rather than the old way (this is the vast majority of next steps you'll ever take as you grow!)
  • A practice I need to start or develop more such as a daily time in God's word and prayer, giving, sharing my faith, etc.
  • A person to invest in to love where they are and encourage to grow.
  • A place I need to be in order to follow God (such as, being there for someone in need, serving on a ministry team, or even more time at home with family.  The point is, I may need to make adjustments to join God where He is leading me.)
  • A process of learning God's truth, or being equipped to serve
  • Any other "p" words you can think of!  Seriously, your path of spiritual growth will have turns, twists and opportunities that are unique to who God made you to be and where He is leading you.  So keep pursuing Him (another "p" word)!


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