How to Memorize Scripture

 Memorizing scripture is one of the most impactful things you can do to grow as a Christian because scripture has power to change what we believe and how we think.

As our beliefs and thought patterns are changed, the way we live is changed.

Romans 12:2 commands us to not be conformed to this world, but,

“be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Committing key parts of God’s Word to memory can jump start that transformation process like nothing else!

Wait.  Are you really telling me that I can’t just read scripture, I need to memorize scripture?

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.

When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert in Matthew 4, he responded to each temptation by responding, “It is written,” countering each lie with a specific scripture He had memorized.

When an old thought rears it’s ugly head and you are tempted to respond in the way you used to, you need a “It is written,” to help you fight against the temptation. You need something that will remind you of your new identity in Christ, that you’ve been set free from your old patterns.

“Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You”
(Psalm 119:11).

You won’t have time in the moment to pause and go look up scripture – you will need to have truth memorized so you are ready to respond. You need to memorize God’s word so when temptation comes, you can respond as Jesus did and say,

“It is written...”

How do I memorize Scripture? 

It really is that simple.

Start with a few of key verses from this study.  Which ones really jumped out at you as you read them?

Did you find yourself saying, “I really need to remember that!”

If so, that’s often the best place to start— where the Spirit has already made you aware of the need to change or a truth to fix in your mind and heart.

What is one verse from this study you could start with? 


1.  Pick a verse that speaks to you.  Memorize it because it will make a difference in your life.

2.  Say the verse reference before and after the text as you repeat it.

3.  Read the verse aloud and many times over several days

4.  Memorize it exactly.  Don’t paraphrase.  Pick a translation then learn it as it is in the Bible.

5.  Start by memorizing no more than one verse a week.  Better to start slowly.  

6. If you are a visual learner, draw or doodle a picture

7.  Use an App such as The Bible Memory App for free (iOS and Android)

Can't choose one?  Start with John 3:16; then Romans 5:8; then Ephesians 2:8-9


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