How to use this study


This Disciple Foundations study is designed to be used anywhere, anytime, by anyone to help them grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ.

And it is a resource you can use to help others grow as disciples.  What you learn, you can turn around and share with someone else!

 It can also be done in small groups, one-on-one, or even on your own.

Each of the six Units can be done one per week, or extended longer if need be.

There are two parts to this resource:

Individual Studies: 

Develop a firm grasp of disciple essentials, and identify next steps on your spiritual growth plan.

  • Each of the six units in Disciple Foundations  are designed to help you to grow in  your relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • If you are doing this with a small group, you'll get the most benefit by doing the individual study prior to your group meeting. It's broken into 5 short daily sections.
  • Optinal links to more in depth articles for key words.
  • There is a PDF print out version of each individual study with room to write answers or jot notes if you like.  Scroll to the end of the Unit to find the download link.

Group Discussion Guide: 

The Group Discussion Guide is designed to help you recap the main points of the study together as a group and draw out the application with group discussion questions.  It is written to be done in as little as 45 minutes if time is a factor.

However, the group guide is not designed to take the place of individual study between meetings.

For each Unit there are three short video teaching clips that summarize that main teaching point and scripture.  They reinforce the main idea, fill in the gaps if someone wasn’t able to do the individual study, and prime the pump for life changing discussion!  The group study/discussion questions follow each video.

There is also a PDF leader discussion summary you can download as an option.  It is exactly what is on the screen, but you may find it convenient.  Scroll to the end of the Group Discussion to find the link.

Participants will get the most benefit from Anchored by doing the individual study before coming to group.

Overview of Disciple Foundations:

Five Marks or pursuits of a growing disciple:

1.  Live obediently:  know God, know His word, remain in Him (Units 2, 3 and 4)

2.  Connect intentionally with others in community (Unit 5)

3.  Serve selflessly by using our gifts, talents and resources (Unit 5)

4.  Give generously to God who gave us everything (Unit 5)

5.  Share willingly about the hope we have in Jesus Christ  (Units 1 & 6)


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