Was Hitler Far Left, or Far Right?
I was sitting in my 10th grade Comparative Political Systems class years ago when suddenly something the teacher said made me interrupt and ask a question. It went like this, "And so on the far left you have the Communists and on the far right you had the Nazi's." But we had just learned that Nazi was an abbreviation for National Socialists , the political party Hitler founded and wrote extensively about in Mein Kampf. So I asked, "Mr. ____, how can they be far right if they are Socialist ?" He paused briefly and admitted he didn't know, but that that was what his source for the class had said. Then he continued to the next point. Matter dropped. Since then I've seen countless main stream sources claim that indeed Hitler and the Nazi's were "far right" but NEVER with any analysis at all. They merely state this and move on, as if you must just accept their label as correct. But are they? Let's look first at what it means to be ...