What Does "Incense owns a Deity nigh" mean?

This line from the Christmas carol, We Three Kings , often stumps modern listeners. What does it mean? " Incense " (or frankincense ) was a costly substance that created a fragrant smoke when burned. As the verse indicates, in this case it symbolizes our prayers rising to God. The phrase, " a Deity nigh " refers to the Christ Child himself, who was "near" (nigh) from the perspective of the three Kings who had traveled to worship him and offer Him gifts. Nigh is an old word for near . And Deity means divine, or God. "Owns" in this case probably does not mean the obvious fact that Jesus now "possessed" some incense since that was one of the gifts. "Own" can mean to have the legal right to something. Jesus is the one to Whom we pray. We rightfully give Him our prayers and praise. The kings gave him incense in recognition of this. The smoke from smoldering incense symbolized the prayers of God's people rising t...