Myth: Jesus Never Talked About Homosexuality
Did Jesus outright condemn homosexuality? As it has been observed by others, he didn't have to. He intensified all the commands against sexual sin. A good analogy would be a Sheriff speaking to a classroom and telling the students, "Obey the speed limit when you are old enough to drive." He didn't specifically mention "The 40 mile per hour speed limit" because he didn't have too. Obviously it is included in "speed limits." Only a sophist would try to later make an exception for "40 miles per hour." There are seven very clear passages in the Old and New Testaments that directly forbid homosexual practices. But it is often claimed that Jesus himself never addressed the issue. Proponents of gay lifestyles then use a supposed argument from silence on Jesus' part to justify, and even overturn clear New Testament teaching against homosexuality. But did Jesus really never say anything about gay marriage or homosexual practi...