Phil Keaggy

Phil Keaggy at Jesus '81 in Orlando. Taken as he warmed up. Keaggy loves to improvise in these warm ups and this was no exception. He's playing his standard Les Paul with customized pick ups. Amazingly he was playing the little Yahama G100-112 amp. Totally solid state, but he made it sound good. Years later a friend gave me one of these. I have to believe it had something seriously wrong with it because it was impossible to get good sound out of it at any volume or setting. I gave it away. In the background is Herb Melton and a few other players from that era. On this occasion he was using a very modest Ovation round back acoustic for the tour due to it's built in mic--a rarity in those days, but very convenient. Phil uses a Podxt some these days. Just spent a couple hours recovering a 27 year old live recording of my college band from a cassette and remixing it in Garageband and Sound Soap (noise filtering). We used to cover several of his songs, including Rejoice...